Did You Know… #1 Panasonic Splits Can Be Used in Low Temperature Applications


Did you know that one of the key features of the Panasonic PACi range is the ability to adjust the settings for special applications that require cooling to maintain rooms between 8-24ºCWB (10-30°CDB). Typical applications include wine cellars, ice cream factories, flower shops, gymnasiums and food preparation and storage rooms.

Key Benefits

Using PACi systems for this type of application has a number of benefits over traditional systems including:

  • Better internal aesthetics
  • More cost effective
  • Outdoor unit generally quieter
  • Simple installation
  • Single & Twin split options available


Temperature Range

Compatibility Table

In order to apply these systems it is necessary to oversize the indoor units as per the table below.

Detail Setting Changes

As the combinations and conditions aren't factory standard it is necessary to adjust settings to configure the system to operate in these applications. In order to do so you will need a standard wired controller.

1. Change Capacity Control in Outdoor

As this is not a standard combination we need to program the system to ignore system capacities. Every outdoor unit control PCB contains a jumper JP001. Cutting this means the outdoor will ignore capacity codes.

When power supply is to indoor and outdoor

• Before you turn any power on, cut the jumper JP001 on the outdoor Control PCB.
• Then make sure there is power on to the fan coil unit first before going to the condenser to power it up. Turning on in the sequence, the system will self-address.

When power supply to outdoor feeding the indoor

• Before you turn any power on, cut the jumper JP001 on the outdoor Control PCB.
• Power up the condenser and this will auto address the indoor unit.

2. Change Indoor Detailed Settings

Wired remote controller temperature setting range must be updated. This setting is located in “detailed setting” menu 1F and 20 for cooling and is also recommended to change temperature range for dry mode.

  • Keep pressing the buttons simultaneously for 4 or more seconds. The “Maintenance Func” screen appears on the LCD display.

  • Press the up or down button to see each menu.
  • If you wish to the next screen instantly, press the left or right button.
  • Select “8. Detailed Settings” on the LCD display and press the return button.

  • Select the “Unit No.” by pressing for changes.
  • Then press the to access Code and Data Information.
  • Use the  to access code 1F and 20.
  • Press the to save the new data.

If the system is only will be used for cooling, it’s also recommended to change menu 0F in simple setting.


  • Due to the lower than usual air off temperature there is potential for condensation build up on the indoor unit louvers and grilles depending on the unit type. Therefore it is recommended to use a base pan or another solution to collect the water. Panasonic will not accept liability for any damages caused as a result of condensation.
  • Due to higher running hours to maintain cooling temperature, maintenance and filter cleaning processes have to be carried out more frequently.
  • PACi systems cannot control relative humidity, but can manage ON/OFF external humidifier if it is needed by using additioning settings within the indoor unit.
  • These applications are not tested under ErP regulations therefore there are no official capacity and consumption tables or energy labels available.


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